Why Work at Green Cove
At Green Cove, our staff are the essential ingredient to the magic of camp. Our Leadership Team is made up of teachers, psychologists, social workers and other kid experts. They believe that when neurodivergent children are in a safe and secure environment, they will soar. Our counselors are college and graduate students who love working with children and helping them develop social skills. They are silly, creative, and empathic. Green Cove staff do not just work at camp…they LIVE camp.
As part of Green Cove’s inaugural summer, our staff have the opportunity to help shape this unique camp community. They will be a part of a team that is committed to building and creating a joyous experience for every camper. Staff will not be providing therapy to our campers, but rather serve as “social coaches” to campers in real time, supporting them as they navigate friendships and the camp day.
We know this will be an unforgettable summer where staff will deepen their understanding of children through hands-on experience; develop a wide-range of skills that will translate into life and a career path; build friendships with fellow staff members; and gain a sense of fulfillment knowing the positive impact they made on others.
Did we mention that Green Cove campers are the best? Learn more about them here!

Available Positions
Division Heads: Our Division Heads are school psychologists, teachers, and other professionals in the field of education, who are deeply dedicated to their work with children. They mentor and guide Group Leaders and communicate regularly with our camp families.
Group Counselors: Group Counselors will partner with two other staff to oversee a group of 8-10 campers. They are responsible for the emotional and physical well-being of campers, and for creating an inclusive group experience where all feel seen and cared for.
Specialists: Specialists are instructors who have experience in a specific activity and spend their summer teaching in that area. Whether Swim, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, STEM, or Athletics, Specialists are responsible for developing and following curriculum. They must be prepared to support the physical and emotional well being of our neurodiverse population.
Program Support Staff: Our support team works in many areas of camp to aid all of our campers and staff. From assisting in the office, to snack and lunchtime, to arrival and dismissal, our support staff keep our camp up and running!
Important Dates & Things to Know
Important Dates
Camp begins on Monday, July 7th, and ends on Friday, August 15th. In addition, each staff member will attend 3 pre-camp orientation sessions.
What hours will I be working?
Staff arrive at 8:15 AM and leave at 4:15 PM. Additional time is required for staff members involved in camp transportation and early/late stay programming.
What is the Salary?
Salary ranges depend on position and experience.